My obsession with adding fruit to salads continues. This time grapefruit is the star.
I absolutely love grapefruit in the summer. It’s refreshing, not overly sweet and has that acidic tang and unusual bitterness that sets it apart from it’s citrus fruit family. I’m constantly looking at ways to include grapefruit in more recipes as it’s a pretty underused fruit. Just simply sometimes swapping it for when you would usually use a lime, lemon is a great way to make your recipes that bit more interesting!
*Top tip: keep your grapefruits in the fridge, they stay juicy for longer and when eaten cool, they are so delicious.
This salad was a very easy throw together of a few ingredients that seemed to get along very well. Creamy avocado makes up the bulk, whole leaves of fresh mint as the herb, shaved fennel (you could thinly slice) is the crunch and grapefruit adds the juiciness.
(I did have a go at grilling some slices of grapefruit - DO NOT RECOMMEND) it totally destroys the freshness and is a total faff - keep it pure)
A final thought… you could add cheese to this like feta and it would be divine.

Serves 4-5 as a side
2 Large Avocados or 3 small (chopped into thinnish segments)
1 large bunch of mint leaves
1 large grapefruit (sliced, and cut into segments with the pith and skin removed)
1 fennel (shaved with a veg peeler or thinly sliced)
1 drizzle of olive oil
Salt & pepper
Prepare all of your ingredients and bring together gently on a platter
Finish with olive oil, salt and pepper
Toss gently and leave for 10 mins or so to let everything sit together
Eat immediately!
