Makes 8 portions

I’m a spreader. I enjoy multiple pots and pans. I seem to make a mess without really making much effort. In an attempt to make recipes that are easier, quicker (and tidier). I've developed this really bloody simple one-tray vegetarian Tagine. It uses whatever vegetables are in your fridge/ in season and is done in one-tray. Hallelujah. (It's also very cheap and vegetarian... vegan if you don't use chicken stock. It's basically really bloody altruistic. I'm not promising it will change your life but it kind of (in a small way) will.
I am aware I use a mutiny of spices. I am greedy, if you do anything just make sure you have fennel seed, cumin and some sort of middle eastern spice mix (Ras el Hanout). Fennel seed is actually a really versatile spice, get it in your roster, she's a corker.
I serve this with any sort of grain, feta and a fresh herb such as mint. It freezes like a dream and is great for a work lunch or healthy mid-week dinner. Life enhancing stuff.
1 butternut squash
1 courgette
1 large red onion
1 leek
1 red pepper
1 tin of tomatoes
Handful of pitted green or black olives left whole
2 garlic cloves crushed
1 tin of boiled water with chicken or veg stock
1 tbl mango chutney
Handful of chopped dried apricots or prunes
3 tbl passata
1 handful of fresh rosemary
1tsp fennel seed, cumin seed and coriander seed - toasted and crushed in a pestle and mortar
1 Tbl of ras el hanout
1 tsp allspice or cinnamon
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp dried coriander
3 tbl Olive oil
2 tbl harissa paste

Preheat the oven to 180* degrees
Chunkily chop your veg, you need it chunky otherwise it will go mushy!
Add it to bowl with your seasoning and get stuck in making sure all the veg it coated with your hands
Get the butternut into a big casserole dish and pop in oven, roast for 15 mins
Add the rest of your veg and roast for a further 15 minutes
Mix your sauce in the same bowl you had your veg in to get the remnants of all that seasoning and season well
Add the sauce and then turn the oven right down to 120* degrees, roast for another 30 minutes
Remove from the oven and let it sit for a good 10/15 mins to cool and develop in flavour
Serve and enjoy!
